, m., a person who passesinto nibbāna before the term, i. e. before having passed
the first half of life, Pp 16,24-30 (Pp-a; mṭ), see however
antarā-bhava below; SN V 69,24—70,24 (pañcannaṁ
antarā-parinibbāyinupahacca parinibbāyī, asaṁkhāra-p°, saṣaṁkhāra-p°,
uddhaṁsoto akaniṭṭhagāmī; Spk: yo āyu-vemajjhaṁ
anatikkamitvā parinibbāyati, so tividho hoti, etc.)
≠ SN V 237,13 = 285,18 = 314,21 ≠ 378,21 ≠ AN I
233,21-35 (the same five in opposite order; cf. II
134,23-28) ≠ AN IV 70,18—74,8 (the same more in
detail; Mp: āyuno vemajjhaṁ anatikkamitvā etth'
antare kilesa-parinibbānena parinibbuto hoti, cf.
Abhidh-k-vy Trsl. Ill 39 n. l); DN III 237,21 (pañca
anāgāmino: ~ī, etc.; Sv: āyuno majjhaṁ anatikka-
mitvā antarā va kilesa-parinibbānaṁ arahattaṁ
patto); ≠ AN V 120,5 = Paṭis I 161,12 (cf. Nett
190,1, = yo Avihâdisu tattha tattha āyuvemajjhaṁ
appatvā parinibbāyati, Nett-a)); SN V 201,15 (mu-
dutarehi [scil. indriyehi] ~ī, etc.; Spk) = 204,27;
Kv 366,13; Pj I 182,24; Ud-a 93,1.