Truncation sign : * (asterisk) - e.g. kamm*

Type the letters without dots and accents - e.g. to search 'kalyāṇa' type kalyana. Read more …


, mf(ikā)n. (vb. adj. from uṭṭhāti),
rising (early in the morning), active, hardworking;
~ikaṁ an-alasaṁ sīlavatiṁ dussate bhattā, Thī 413;
~ikā naṁ (so v. l.; Ee ~yakānaṁ) abhibhuyya vat-
tati, A IV 92,24 (or read ~yakaṁ naṁ ? Mp IV 47,15
impossible expl.: ettha ~yakānaṁ bahuvacana-vasena
viriy'uṭṭhāna-sampanna-sāmiko vutto . . .); — Ja II
403,15 satasahass'~yikaṁ Kāsigāmaṁ, prob. read with
Ee v.l., SeBe
°uṭṭhānakaṁ (q.v.).