Consolidated List of Abbreviations
supplementing the Epilegomena to CPD I as well as the Bibliographical Additions of CPD II, p. I*–IV* and including and correcting the lists from 1970, 1985, 1992 and 2001
On numbering texts not included in the Epilegomena see HPL, pp. 256 foll.
a. Texts and Translations (Sanskrit and Pāli)
Att |
ed. by Charles Edward Godakumbura, PTS, London 1956, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 4.1.8). |
AN |
AN-trsl. by Nyanatiloka revised by Nyanaponika, (Die Lehrreden des Buddha aus der Angereihten Sammlung), Vols. I–V, Köln ³1969, Freiburg 41984, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.3). |
Ap-a |
ed. by Charles Edward Godakumbura, PTS, London 1956, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.13,1). |
Abhidh-av-nṭ |
ed. by Aggamahāpaṇḍita Polvattē Buddhadatta, Ambalangoḍa 1961, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.4,2). |
Abhidh-k |
ed. by Prahlad Pradhan, (Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series Vol. VIII), Patna 1975. — [chapter I] ed. by Yasunori Ejima, (Bibliotheca Indologica et Buddhologica 1), Tokyo 1989; [chapter IX] ed. by Jong Cheol Lee, (Bibliotheca Indologica et Buddhologica 11), Tokyo 2005, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena |
Abhidh-s |
ed. by Hammalava Saddhatissa, [together with Abhidh-s-mhṭ], PTS, Oxford 1989, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.1). — Abhidh-s-trsl. by R. P. Wijeratne and Rupert Mark Lovell Gethin, (Summary of the Topics) [together with Abhidh-s-mhṭ-trsl. (Exposition of the Topics of Abhidhamma)], PTS, Oxford 2002, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.1). |
Abhidh-s-dīp |
ed. by Satoshi Nonome, (Abhidharma Research Institute Kiyõ) IX (Kyoto) 1990, p. 1–99, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.1,4 and IIJ XXXVI 1993, p. 83). |
Abhidh-s-mhṭ |
ed. by Hammalava Saddhatissa, see Abhidh-s, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.1,2). |
Abhidh-s-mhṭ-y |
3.8.1,22 Abhidhammatthavibhāviniyā Pañcikā nāma Atthayojanā by Ñāṇakitti, sæc. XV/XVI, Se, (Mahāmakuṭavidyālaya), Vols. I–III, Bangkok BE 2520–2524 = AD 1977–1981, (cf. JPTS XXVI 2000, p. 126 foll.). |
Abhis-dh |
Abhisamācārika-Dharma: Abhisamācārikā [Bhikṣuprakīrṇaka] ed. by B. Jinananda, (Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series No. IX), Patna 1969 [quoted by page and line of this edition and of the original MS.]. |
Abh-ṭ |
Be [together with Abh], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1964, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 5.6.1,2). |
As |
Revised ed. with indexes by Lance Selwyn Cousins, PTS, London 1979. — Ne by Purushottam Vishvanath Bapat and Ranganath Dattatreya Vadekar. Poona 1942. — As-trsl. by Nyanaponika (Darlegung der Bedeutung. Der Kommentar zur Dhammasaṅgaṇi), PTS, Oxford 2005, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.1,1). |
As-anuṭ |
Be, [together with As-mṭ], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.1,12). |
As-mṭ |
Be, [together with As-anuṭ], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.1,11). |
As-mhṭ |
mistake for As-mṭ. |
It |
It-trsl. by Peter Masefield, PTS, Oxford 2000, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.4). |
It-a |
Vol. III Indexes by Hermann Kopp, PTS, London 1979. — It-a-trsl. by Peter Masefield (The Commentary on the Itivuttaka), Vols. I–II, PTS, Oxford 2009, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.4,1). |
Utt-vn-ṭ |
Uttaravinicchaya-ṭīkā see Vin-vn-ṭ. |
Ud |
Ud-trsl. by Peter Masefield, PTS, Oxford 1994, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.3). |
Ud-a |
Ud-a-trsl. by Peter Masefield (The Udāna Commentary), Vols. I–II, PTS, Oxford 1994, 1995, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.3,1). |
Udāna-v |
= Uv |
Upās(akāl) |
Upāsakajanâlaṅkāra, ed. by Hammalava Saddhatissa, PTS, London 1965, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.9.41). |
Uv |
Udānavarga ed. by Franz Bernhard, Vols. I–II, (AWG LIV), Göttingen 1965, 1968, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena |
(Ext Mhv |
see Mhv). |
Kuṇāla-ja |
Kuṇāla-jātaka, ed. and trsl. by Willem B. Bollée. PTS, London 1970. |
Kkh |
ed. by Dorothy Maskell, PTS, London 1956, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.1,1). |
Kkh(2) |
ed. by Kenneth Roy Norman and William Pruitt, PTS, Oxford 2003, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.1,1). |
Kkh-ṭ |
Be, [together with Kkh-pṭ], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1965, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.1,12). |
Kkh-pṭ |
see Kkh-ṭ, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.1,11). |
KDhp |
Khotan Dharmapada see GDhp |
Kbv |
Kosala-bimba-vaṇṇanā, ed. and trsl. by Richard Francis Gombrich in Heinz Bechert (ed.), Buddhism in Ceylon and Studies on Religious Syncretism in Buddhist Countries, (AWG CVIII), Göttingen 1978, pp. 281–303. |
Kv |
Index to the Kathāvatthu compiled by Tetsuya Tabata, Satoshi Nonome, Toyoaki Uesugi, Shõk[õ] Bando, and Genshoh Unoke, PTS, London 1982, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.5). |
Kv-a |
new ed. by Nicholas Abedheera Jayawickrama, PTS, London 1979, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.5,1). |
Khuddas-pṭ |
Be [together with Khuddas-ṭ], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1962, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.3.1,1 and 1.3.1,2). |
Khp |
Khp-trsl. by Ñāṇamoli [together with Pj I-trsl.] (The Minor Readings and The Illustrator of Ultimate Meaning), PTS, London 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.1 and 2.5.1,1). |
Khp-a |
mistake for Pj I. |
GDhp |
The Gāndhārī Dharmapada ed. by John Brough, (London Oriental Series Vol. 7), London 1962, also KDhp, (cf. Mittelindisch (2) § 29). |
Cakkav |
Cakkavāḷadīpanī, Se, by Sirimaṅgala [with Thai trsl.], (National Library), Bangkok BE 2523 = AD 1980, (cf. HPL § 400). |
Cp |
new ed. [together with Bv] by Nicholas Abedheera Jayawickrama, PTS, London 1974. — Cp-trsl. (Minor Anthologies Part III: Basket of Conduct) [together with Bv-trsl. (Chronicle of the Buddhas)], by Isaline Blew Horner, PTS, London 1975. — Cp-trsl. traduit par P. S. Dhammārāma (Corbeille de la Conduite), BEFEO LI 1963, p. 325–390, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.15). |
Cp-a |
2nd ed. with corrections and indexes by Hermann Kopp, PTS, London 1979, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.15,1). |
Ja |
The Nidānakathā of the Jātakaṭṭhakathā (The Story of Gotama Buddha), trsl. by Nicholas Abedheera Jayawickrama, PTS, Oxford 1990. — The Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara by Margaret Cone and Richard Francis Gombrich, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1977 (a new trsl. of Ja VI 479–593), (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.10 and HPL § 109, p. 54). — cf. Kuṇāla-ja, Vess-dīp, Vess-sn. |
Ja-gp |
Jātaka-aṭuvā-gäṭapadaya ed. by Mädalayangoḍa Vimalakīrti and Nǟhinne Sominda, Gunasena, Colombo 1961, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.10,1[4] and SL p. 35 foll.). |
Jinak |
Jinakālamālī by Ratanapañña, ed. by Aggamahāpaṇḍita Polvattē Buddhadatta, PTS, London 1962. — Jinak-trsl. (The Sheaf of Garlands of the Epochs of the Conqueror) by Nicholas Abedheera Jayawickrama, PTS, London 1968. — Jinak Index (An Annotated Index to the Thailand Part of Ratanapañña’s Chronicle Jinakālamālī) by Hans Penth, PTS, Oxford 1994, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 4.2.1). |
Tha and Thī |
2nd ed. with appendices by Kenneth Roy Norman and Ludwig Alsdorf PTS, London 1966. — Th-trsl. [EV I] (The Elders’ Verses I) by Kenneth Roy Norman, PTS, London 1969, Lancaster 22007. — Thī-trsl. [EV II] (The Elders’ Verses II) by Kenneth Roy Norman, PTS London 1971, Lancaster 22007, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.8). |
Th-a |
Vol. II, Vol. III (with indexes by Hermann Kopp), by Frank Lee Woodward, PTS, London 1952, 1959, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.8,1). |
Thī-a |
ed. by William Pruitt, PTS, Oxford 1998. — Thī-a-trsl. (The Commentary on the Verses of the Therīs) by William Pruitt, PTS, Oxford 1998, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.9,1). |
Thūp |
New ed. [together with Thūp-trsl. (The Chronicle of the Thūpa)] by Nicholas Abedheera Jayawickrama, PTS, London 1971, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 4.1.41). |
D |
D-trsl. traduit par Jules Bloch, Jean Filliozat, Louis Renou (Canon bouddhique pāli. Texte et traduction. Suttapiṭaka, Dīghanikāya, Tome I, fasc. 1 [all published: D I 1,1–110,35]), Adrien-Maisonneuve, Paris 1949; — D-trsl. by Maurice Walshe (The Long Discourses of the Buddha), Wisdom Publications, Boston 1987. — Index to the Dīgha-nikāya compiled by Moriichi Yamazaki, Yumi Ousaka, Kenneth Roy Norman, Margaret Cone, PTS, Oxford 1997, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.1). |
Dasav |
Dasavatthuppakaraṇa, éd. et traduit par Jacqueline Ver Eecke, EFEO, Paris 1976, (cf. HPL § 409). |
Dbk |
Dasabodhisattuppattikathā ed. by Hammalava Saddhatissa [together with Dbk-trsl. (The Birth-Stories of the Ten Bodhisattas)], PTS, Oxford 1975, (cf. HPL § 202, p. 98 foll.). |
Dbs |
Daśabalasūtra ed. by Ernst Waldschmidt in: Bruchstücke buddhistischer Sūtras aus dem zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon, (Kl. Turf. Heft 4), Leipzig 1932, p. 207–225, cf. E. Waldschmidt, Von Ceylon bis Turfan, Göttingen 1967, p. 347–370. |
Dhātuk |
Dhātuk-trsl. by U Narada (Discourse on Elements), PTS, London 1962, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.3). |
Dhātuk-anuṭ |
see Dhātuk-mṭ. |
Dhātuk-mṭ |
Pañcappakaraṇa-mūlaṭīkā [together with Pañcappakaraṇa-anuṭīkā], Be (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.3,11). |
Dhn |
Dhammanīti ed. by Heinz Bechert and Heinz Braun (Pāli Nīti Texts of Burma: Dhammanīti, Lokanīti, Mahārahanīti, Rājanīti), PTS, London 1981, (cf. HPL § 420–422). |
Dhp |
ed. by Oskar von Hinüber and Kenneth Roy Norman, PTS 32003, (cf. Uv, KDhp, GDhp, PDhp). — Dhp-trsl. (Norman) by Kenneth Roy Norman (The Word of the Doctrine), PTS, Oxford 1997, 22000, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.2). |
Dhp-a-gp |
ed. by Mädalayangoḍa Vimalakīrti and Nǟhinne Sominda, Gunasena, Colombo 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.2,1[4]). |
Dhs |
Dhs-trsl. 3rd ed. with a preface by Isaline Blew Horner and R. E. Iggleden, PTS London 1974. — Index to the Dhs compiled by Tetsuya Tabata, Satoshi Nonome, and Shõkõ Bando, PTS, London 1987, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.1 and HPL § 132, p. 66). |
Dhs-mṭ |
see As-mṭ. |
Nāmac |
ed. by Hammalava Saddhatissa, JPTS XV 1990, p. 1–28, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.9). |
Nāmar-s-trsl. |
by Hammalava Saddhatissa (The Summary of Mind and Matter), JPTS XI 1987, p. 7–31, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.8). |
Nir-dīp |
Niruttidīpanī, (sæc. XX), Be, Rangoon 1970. |
Nett |
Nett-trsl. by Ñāṇamoli (The Guide), PTS, London 1962, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.7.2). |
Pañca-g |
Pañca-g-trsl. by Ann Appleby Hazlewood, JPTS XI 1987, p. 133–159, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.6.12 and HPL § 393, p. 182). |
Paññāsa-ja |
ed. by Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini (Paññāsa-Jātaka or Zimme Paṇṇāsa), Vols. I, II, PTS, London 1981, 1983. — Paññāsa-ja-trsl. (Apocryphal Birth-stories) by Isaline Blew Horner and Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini, Vols. I, II, PTS, London 1985, 1986, (cf. HPL § 270). |
Paṭis |
Paṭis-trsl. by Ñāṇamoli (The Path of Discrimination), PTS, London 1982, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.12). |
Paṭṭh |
Paṭṭh-trsl. by U Narada (Conditional Relations), Vols. I, II, PTS, London 1969, 1981, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.7). |
Paṭham |
Paṭhamasambodhi ed. by George Cœdès and Jacqueline Filliozat, PTS, Oxford 2003, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.99.11). |
Pay |
Be, Rangoon 1981, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 5.3,5). |
Pāt |
ed. by William Pruitt [together with Pāt-trsl. by Kenneth Roy Norman], PTS, Oxford 2001, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.1). |
Pālim |
Be (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.3.5). |
Pālim-ṭ |
Vinayâlaṅkāra-ṭīkā (= Pālimuttakavinayavinicchayasaṅgaha-ṭ), Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Vols. I, II, Rangoon 1962, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.3.5,1). |
Peṭ |
ed. by Arabinda Barua, PTS, London 1949 (repr. with Errata and Index [by Hermann Kopp] 1982). — Peṭ.-trsl. by Ñāṇamoli (The Piṭaka-Disclosure), PTS, London 1962, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.7.1). |
Pj I |
Pj I-trsl. see Khp; index see Sn. |
Pj II |
Pj II index see Sn. |
PDhp |
The Patna Dharmapada ed. by Gustav Roth, in: Die Sprache der ältesten buddhistischen Überlieferung (AWG CXVII), Göttingen 1980, p. 98–135. — ed. by Margaret Cone, JPTS XIII 1989, p. 101–217. |
Pp(-a) |
Pp and Pp-a repr. with corrections, PTS, London 1972. — Pp-trsl. by Nyāṇatiloka (Puggala Paññatti. Das Buch der Charaktere), München 1910 (repr. 1995), (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.4). |
Ppk-anuṭ |
Pañcapakaraṇa-anuṭīkā, Be [together with Ppk-mṭ], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960. |
Ppk-mṭ |
Pañcapakaraṇa-mūlaṭīkā, see Ppk-anuṭ. |
Pm-vn |
ed. by Hammalava Saddhatissa, JPTS X 1985, p. 155–226, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.2). |
PrMoSū |
Prātimokṣasūtra der Sarvāstivādins hg. von Georg von Simson, Teil I (AWG CLV); Teil II (AWG CCXXXVIII), Göttingen 1986, 2000. |
PrMoSū (Mū) |
(Prātimokṣasūtra of the Mūlasarvāstivādins) Two Buddhist Vinaya Texts in Sanskrit. Prātimokṣa Sūtra and Bhikṣukarmavākya ed. by Anukul Chandra Banerjee, Calcutta 1977. |
PrMoSū (Mā-L) |
(Prātimokṣasūtra of the Mahāsāṃghikalokottaravādins) Lokottaramahāsāṃghikānāṃ Prātimokṣasūtram ed. by Nathmal Tatiya, (Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series No. XVI), Patna 1975. |
Pv |
new ed. by Nicholas Abedheera Jayawickrama [together with Vv], PTS, London 1977. — Pv-trsl. by Henry Snyder Gehman (Stories of the Departed), new ed. [together with Vv-trsl. (Stories of the Mansions)], The Minor Anthologies of the Pāli Canon Part IV, PTS, London 1974, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.7). |
Pv-a |
Pv-a-trsl. by U Ba Kyaw ed. by Peter Masefield (Elucidation of the Intrinsic Meaning … Commentary on the Peta-Stories), PTS, London 1980, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.7,1). |
Ps-pṭ |
Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Vols. I–III, Rangoon 1961, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.2,11). |
Bv |
new ed. see Cp. — Bv-trsl. see Cp-trsl., (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.14). |
Bv-a |
Bv-a-trsl. by Isaline Blew Horner (The Clarifier of Sweet Meaning), PTS, London 1978, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.14,1). |
Bhikṣuṇī-Vin |
Bhikṣuṇī-Vinaya … of the Ārya-Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādin, ed. and annotated by Gustav Roth (Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series XII), Patna 1970, 22005. — Bhikṣuṇī-Vin-trsl. traduit par Édith Nolot (Règles de discipline des nonnes bouddhistes), De Boccard, Paris 1991. |
Bhes |
ed. by Jinadasa Liyanaratne, Vols. I, II, PTS, Oxford 1996, 2009. — Bhes-trsl. [chapters 1–18] by J. Liyanaratne, PTS, Oxford 2002, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.9.22). |
M |
M-trsl. (Ñm/Bodhi) by Ñāṇamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi (The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha), PTS and Wisdom Publications, Boston 1995, 22001. — Index to the Majjhima-nikāya compiled by Moriichi Yamazaki, Yumi Ousaka, PTS, Lancaster 2006, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.2). |
Maṅg |
Maṅgalatthadīpanī by Siri-Maṅgala. Se, 2nd ed., Vols. I–II (Mahāmakuṭa Rājavidyālaya), Bangkok 1962, 1965, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.9.10). |
Maṇis |
Maṇisāramañjūsā by Ariyavaṃsa, Be, Vols. I–II, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1963–1964, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.1,21). |
Mil |
Mil-trsl. (Horner) by Isaline Blew Horner (Milinda’s Questions), Vols. I–II, PTS, London 1963–1964. — Mil-trsl. (Nyanatiloka) by Nyanatiloka (Die Fragen des Königs Milinda), Leipzig 1919, revised by Nyanaponika, Interlaken 1985. — Mil-trsl. (Nolot) traduit par Édith Nolot (Entretiens de Milinda et Nāgasena), Paris 1995, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.6 and HPL § 172, p. 82). |
Mil-ṭ |
Milinda-ṭīkā ed. by Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini, PTS, London 1961, (cf. HPL § 180). |
Moh |
ed. by Aggamahāpaṇḍita Polvattē Buddhadatta and Anthony Kennedy Warder, PTS, London 1961, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.7). |
Mgd |
= Maṅg |
Mth-v |
Braḥ Māleyyatheravatthu ed. by Eugène Denis and Steven Collins [together with Mth-v-trsl. by S. Collins], JPTS XVII 1993, pp. 1–96, (cf. HPL § 435). |
Mdm |
Mahādibbamanta ed. by Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini, BSOS XXVIII, 1965, pp. 61–80, (cf. HPL § 87 n. 152). |
Mp |
Manorathapūraṇī, Vols. I-IV see CPD I Epilegomena 2.4,1; Vol. V with indexes to Vols. I–V ed. by Hermann Kopp, PTS, London 1956, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.4,1). |
Mp-ṭ |
Aṅguttaranikāyaṭīkā Catutthā Sāratthamañjūsā, Ekanipāta ed. by Primoz Pecenko, Vols. I-III [I = Be I 1–72; II = Be I 72–210; III = Be I 211–II 73], PTS, Oxford 1996, 1997, 1999. — Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Vols. I–III, Rangoon 1961, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.4,12). |
Nāgārjuna: Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra traduit par Étienne Lamotte, (Le Traité de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nāgārjuna), Vols. I–V, Louvain 1949–1980. |
Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra hg. von Ernst Waldschmidt, Vols. I–III (Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1949 Nr. 1; 1950 Nr. 2; 1950 Nr. 3), Berlin 1950, 1951. |
Mvu |
Mvu-trsl. (Jones) by John James Jones (The Mahāvastu), Vols. I–III, PTS, London 1949, 1952, 1956. |
Mhn |
Mahārahanīti, see Dhn. |
Mhv |
Ext Mhv: Extended Mahāvaṃsa ed. by Gunapala Piyasena Malalasekera, RAS Ceyoln Branch, Colombo 1937 (repr. PTS, Oxford 1988), (cf. HPL § 189, p. 92 foll.). |
Ras |
Rasavāhinī ed. by Sharda Gandhi, Parimal Publications, Delhi 1988, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 4.1.10). |
Ras (Bretfeld) |
see b. Other Works and Authors: Bretfeld, Nationalepos. |
Ras (Matsumura) |
ed. by Junko Matsumura, (The Rasavāhinī of Vedeha Thera Vaggas V and VI: The Migapotaka-Vagga and the Uttaroḷiya-Vagga), Osaka 1992, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 4.1.10). |
Rūpār-trsl. |
by R. H. B. Exell, JPTS XVI 1992, p. 1–12, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.8.5). |
Rūp-ṭ |
Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1965), (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 5.1,41). |
Rn |
Rājanīti, see Dhn. |
Loka-d |
Lokadīpakasāra by Medhaṅkara, Se [together with Thai trsl.], National Library, Bangkok BE 2529 = AD 1986, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.9,17). |
Loka-n |
Lokaneyyappakaraṇa ed. by Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini, PTS, London 1986, (cf. HPL § 423). |
Loka-p |
Lokapaññatti ed. by Eugène Denis (La Loka-paññatti et les idées cosmologiques du Bouddhisme ancien) [together with Loka-p-trsl.], Vols. I, II, Lille-Paris 1977. — Se [together with Thai trsl.], (National Library) Bangkok BE 2529 = AD 1986, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.99,14). |
Loka-s |
= Loka-d. |
Ln |
Lokanīti, see Dhn. |
Vikn |
Vimalakīrtinirdeśa. A Sanskrit Edition Based upon the Manuscript Newly Found at the Potala Palace ed. by the Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, Taisho University. Tokyo 2006. — Vikn-trsl. by Étienne Lamotte (L’enseignement de Vimalakīrti), Bibliothèque du Muséon, Publications Universitaires, Louvain 1962, [rendered into English by Sara Boin (The Teachings of Vimalakīrti), PTS, London 1976]. |
Vin |
Vin-trsl. [BD I–VI] (The Book of the Discipline, Vinaya-Piṭaka, by Isaline Blew Horner, Vols. I–VI, PTS, London 1938–1966), — Index to the Vinaya-piṭaka compiled by Yumi Ousaka, Moriichi Yamazaki, Kenneth Roy Norman, PTS, Oxford 1996, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.2). |
Vin-vn-ṭ |
Be [together with Utt-vn-ṭ], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Vols. I, II, Rangoon 1977, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.3.3,1 and 1.3.4,1). |
Vibh |
Vibh-trsl. by U Thittila (The Book of Analysis), PTS, London 1969, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.2). |
Vibh-a |
Vibh-a-trsl. by Ñāṇamoli, revised by Lance Selwyn Cousins, Nyanaponika and C. M. M. Shaw (The Dispeller of Delusion), Vols. I, II, PTS, London 1987, Oxford 1991, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.2,1). |
Vibh-anuṭ |
Be [together with Vibh-mṭ), (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 3.2,11 and 3.2,12). |
Vibh-mṭ |
see Vibh-anuṭ. |
Vimut-trsl. |
The Path of Freedom (Vimuttimagga) by the Arahant Upatissa trsl. from the Chinese by N. R. M. Ehara, Soma Thera and Kheminda Thera, Colombo 1961, repr. Kandy 1977, 1995, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.8.0). |
Vism |
Vism-trsl. (Ñm) by Ñāṇamoli (The Path of Purification), Colombo 1956. — Index to the Visuddhimagga complied by Yumi Ousaka, Moriichi Yamazaki, PTS, Oxford 2004, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.8.1). |
Vism-ṭ |
Se, (Bhūmibalo Bhikkhu Foundation), Bangkok BE 2525 = AD 1982, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.8.1,22). |
Vism-mhṭ |
Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Vols. I–III, Rangoon 1960. — Ne, Vols. I–III, Benares 1969–1972, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.8.1,1 and HPL § 245, p. 124). |
Vess-dīp |
Vessantaradīpanī by Sirimaṅgala, Ee, ed. by Bhikkhu Nakorn Khemapāli (The Critical Edition of the Vessantaradīpanī), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Bangkok, BE 2549 = AD 2006 [PhD thesis]. — Se, Bangkok BE 2540 = AD 1997. |
Vess-sn |
Vesaturu-dā-sanne ed. by D. E. Hettiaratchi, Ce, Colombo 1950. |
Vjb |
Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.2,11). |
Vmv |
Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.2,13). |
Vv |
see Pv |
Vv-a |
Vv-a-trsl. by Peter Masefield and Nicholas Abedheera Jayawickrama (Elucidation of the Intrinsic Meaning … Commentary on the Vimāna Stories), PTS, Oxford 1989, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.6,1). |
S |
S I (2): by G. A. Somaratne, PTS, Oxford 1998 [For practical reasons, S I was quoted throughout from Ee (1) 1884]. — S-trsl. (Geiger) übersetzt von Wilhelm Geiger fortgeführt von Nyāṇapoṇika (Die Lehrreden des Buddha aus der Gruppierten Sammlung), Band I, II, Wolfenbüttel 1990 [= S I 1–S III 279]. — S-trsl. (Bodhi) by Bhikkhu Bodhi (The Connected Discourses of the Buddha), Vols. I, II, PTS and Wisdom Publications, Boston 2000, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.3). |
Saddh-trsl. |
by Ann Appleby Hazlewood (The Gift-offering of the True Dhamma), JPTS XII 1988, p. 65–168, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 4.5.7). |
Samantak |
ed. by Charles Edward Godakumbura, PTS, London 1958. — Samantak-trsl. by Ann Appleby Hazlewood (In Praise of Mount Samanta), PTS, London 1986, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 4.1.9). |
Sah |
Sahassavatthuppakaraṇa, Ce, ed. by Aggamahāpaṇḍita Polvattē Buddhadatta, Colombo 1959. — Ee, ed. by Sharda Gandhi, Ghaziabad 1991. — Ee (!), (Saṅgha Assembly of Religion III), Bangkok 2003 (“Cremation book” of Phra Thammarajanuwat), (cf. HPL § 410, p. 189 foll.). |
Sah (Bretfeld) |
see b. Other Works and Authors: Bretfeld, Nationalepos. |
Sīh |
Sīhalavatthuppakaraṇa, éd. et traduit par Jacqueline Ver Eecke, EFEO, Paris 1980. — Ce by Aggamahāpaṇḍita Polvattē Buddhadatta, Colombo 1959, (cf. HPL § 416–419). |
Su-pṭ |
erroneously for Sv-pṭ. |
Suttas |
ed. by Ramaprasad Chaudhuri and Devaprasad Guha (Asiatic Society, Bibliotheca Indica), Calcutta 1957, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.9.2). |
Subodh |
ed. by Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini [together with Subodh-pṭ and Subodh-abhinṭ], PTS, Oxford 2000. — Be [together with Subodh-pṭ and Subodh-abhinṭ], (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1977, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 5.8.1). |
Subodh-abhinṭ |
see Subodh. |
Subodh-pṭ |
see Subodh. |
Sot |
Sotatthakīmahānidāna, Se, Bangkok BE 2526 = AD 1983 (“Cremation book” of Samdec Phra Buḍhācārya), (cf. HPL § 432). |
Sn |
Sn-trsl. (Norman) by Kenneth Roy Norman (The Group of Discourses), Vol. II, PTS 1992, 22001. — Shinkan Murakami and Shinkai Oikawa, Glossaries to the Suttanipāta and Paramatthajotikā I & II, Tokyo 2009 (in Japanese), (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.5). |
Sn-ṭ |
[Paramatthajotikādīpanī on Pj II 513,16–548,29] ed. by Oskar v. Hinüber, JPTS XXIII 1997, p. 27–41, (cf. HPL § 255, p. 129). |
Sn-trsl. (Norman) |
by Kenneth Roy Norman (The Group of Discourses), Vol. II, PTS 1992, 22001, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.5.5). |
Sp |
Vol. VII ed. by Junjiro Takakusu, Makato Nagai, Kogen Mizuno, PTS, London 1947. — Vol. VIII Indexes by Hermann Kopp, PTS, London 1978, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.2,1). |
Sp-ṭ |
Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Vols. I–III, Rangoon 1960, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.2,12). |
Spk-pṭ |
Be, Vols. I–III (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1961, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.3,11). |
Spṭ-s |
erroneously for Sp-ṭ. |
Sp-yoj1 |
= Sp-y, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 1.2,14). |
Sp-yoj2 |
Pācityādi-yojanā by Jāgara, (sæc. XIX), Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Rangoon 1972, (cf. HPL § 419 n. 694). |
Sv |
ed. of the Nigamanakathā, JPTS XXI 1995, p. 129–131. — Sv-trsl. by Yang-Gyu An (The Buddha’s Last Days. Buddhaghosa’s Commentary on the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta) [Sv 518–615], PTS, Oxford 2003, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.1,1). |
Sv-ṭ |
erroneously for Sv-nṭ. |
Sv-nṭ |
Be, (Buddhasāsana-samiti), Vols. I–II, Rangoon 1961, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.1,13). |
Sv-pṭ |
ed. by Lily de Silva, Vols. I–III, PTS, London 1970 (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.1,11). |
Ss |
ed. by Genjun H. Sasaki, PTS, Oxford 1992, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena 2.9.3). |
b. Other Works and Authors
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute |
AJPh |
American Journal of Philology. |
Apte |
Vaman Shivram Apte, Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Vols. I–III. Poona 1957–1959. |
Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology. |
ASt/EAs |
Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques. |
A(A)WG |
Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Dritte Folge. |
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Abhandlungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Jahrgang. |
see a. Texts: Vin. |
Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute. |
Bulletin d’Études Indiennes. |
Beob. |
= Lüders, Beobachtungen. |
Franklin Edgerton, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, Vol. II: Dictionary, New Haven 1953. |
= prec., Vol. I: Grammar. |
Bretfeld, Nationalepos |
Sven Bretfeld, Das singhalesische Nationalepos von König Duṭṭhagāmaṇī Abhaya. Textkritische Bearbeitung und Übersetzung der Kapitel VII.3–VIII.3 der Rasavāhinī des Vedeha Thera im Vergleich mit den Paralleltexten Sahassavatthuppakaraṇa und Saddharmālaṅkāraya, (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie, Band 13), Berlin 2001. |
BStR |
Buddhist Studies Review, London. |
Buddhadatta |
Aggamahāpaṇḍita Polvattē Buddhadatta, Concise Pāli-English Dictionary, Colombo 1957. |
Buddhadatta, Corr |
Aggamahāpaṇḍita Polvattē Buddhadatta, Corrections of Geiger’s Mahāvaṃsa etc. A Collection of Monographs, Ambalangoda 1957. |
Ralph Lilley Turner, Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages, London 1966 (Indexes 1969; Phonetic Analysis 1971; Addenda et Corrigenda by John Clifford Wright 1985). |
Chandrika Singh Upasak, Dictionary of Early Buddhist Monastic Terms, Benares 1975. |
Thomas Burrow and Murray Barnson Emeneau, A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary, 2nd ed., Oxford 1966. |
EncBu |
Encyclopaedia of Buddhism ed. by Gunapala Piyasena Malalasekera etc., Vols. I–VIII, Colombo 1961–2009. |
EV I |
see a. Texts: Th. |
see a. Texts: Thī. |
EWA‑1 |
Manfred Mayrhofer, Kurzgefaśtes etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindischen, Vols. I–IV, Heidelberg 1953–1980. |
EWA‑2 |
Manfred Mayrhofer, Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen, Vols. I, II, Heidelberg 1992, 1996. |
EWA‑2 Vol. III |
= EWA-3 |
EWA‑3 |
Manfred Mayrhofer, Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen, Vol. III, Heidelberg 1997–2001. |
Fel. Vol. |
Felicitation Volume. |
Fsb |
Fsb. Bem., in: ODVS 1888, pp. 7–58, (cf. CPD I Epilegomena, p. 16*, 18*). |
Geiger |
English trsl. by Bhattakrishna Ghosh, Calcutta 21956. |
Geiger, Culture |
Wilhelm Geiger, Culture of Ceylon in Mediaeval Times, Wiesbaden 1960; 2nd. ed., Stuttgart 1986. |
Gerow, Glossary |
Edwin Gerow, A Glossary of Indian Figures of Speech, The Hague 1971. |
Arthur Llewellyn Basham, History and Doctrine of the Ājīvikas, London 1951. |
History of Indian Literature, ed. by Jan Gonda, 30 Vols., Wiesbaden 1973–1987. |
v. Hinüber, Selected Papers |
Oskar von Hinüber, Selected Papers on Pāli Studies, Oxford 1994, 22005. |
Oskar von Hinüber, A Handbook of Pāli Literature, (Indian Philology and South Asian Studies Volume 2), Berlin 1996. |
H. S. |
Helmer Smith. |
HS |
= KZ. |
Hüsken, Nonnen |
Ute Hüsken, Die Vorschriften für die buddhistische Nonnengemeinde im Vinaya-Piṭaka der Theravādin, (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie, Band 11), Berlin 1997. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. |
Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Tokyo. |
Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda. |
Journal of the Siam Society |
Kasussyntax |
Oskar von Hinüber, Studien zur Kasussyntax des Pāli, besonders des Vinaya-piṭaka, (MSS, Beihefte, Neue Folge 2), München 1968. |
Kern, Manual |
Henrik Kern, Manual of Indian Buddhism, (Grundriś der indo-arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde III, 8), Straśburg 1896. |
Kieffer-Pülz, Sīmā |
Petra Kieffer-Pülz, Die Sīmā. Vorschriften zur Regelung der buddhistischen Gemeindegrenze in älteren buddhistischen Texten, (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie, Band 8), Berlin 1992 (1993). |
Kl. Schr. |
Kleine Schriften. |
Lai Hin |
Oskar von Hinüber, Die Pāli-Handschriften des Klosters Lai Hin, Nord-Thailand (MSS. from this catalogue under preparation are quoted by number and date of copying, if available). |
Lüders, Beobachtungen |
Heinrich Lüders, Beobachtungen über die Sprache des buddhistischen Urkanons, (Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst, Jahrgang 1952 Nr. 10), Berlin 1954. |
Lüders, Phil. Ind. |
Heinrich Lüders, Philologica Indica, Göttingen 1940. |
Mayrhofer, Etym. |
see EWA-1. |
Mayrhofer, PGr |
Manfred Mayrhofer, Handbuch des Pāli, 1. Teil: Grammatik, Heidelberg 1951. |
Mittelindisch (2) |
Oskar von Hinüber, Das ältere Mittelindisch im Überblick, (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 467. Band, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Sprachen und Kulturen Südasiens, Heft 20), Wien 1986, 22001. |
Manucripts in the Schøyen Collection I: Buddhist Manuscripts Volume I ed. by Jens Braarvig, Oslo 2000. |
Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. |
Ñm |
Ñāṇamoli |
Norman, Coll. Pap. I–VIII |
Kenneth Roy Norman, Collected Papers, PTS, Oxford Vol. I 1990; Vol. II 1991; Vol. III 1992; Vol. IV 1993; Vol. V 1994; Vol. VI 1996; Vol. VII 2001; Vol. VIII Lancaster 2007 [Index to Vols. I–VII: JPTS XXVI 2000, pp. 169–231]. |
Norman, Pāt |
see a. Texts: Vin. |
“New PED”: Margaret Cone, A Dictionary of Pāli. Part I: a–kha, PTS, Oxford 2001. |
Ñtl |
Nyānātiloka (Ñāṇātiloka). |
Ñtl, BW |
Nyanatiloka, Buddhistisches Wörterbuch. Kurzgefaśtes Handbuch der buddhistischen Lehren und Begriffe in alphabetischer Anordnung, Konstanz 1953. |
Oberlies, Pāli |
Thomas Oberlies, Pāli. A Grammar of the Language of the Theravāda Tipiṭaka, (Indian Philology and South Asian Studies 3), Berlin 2001. |
Pāli Lit. |
Kenneth Roy Norman, Pāli Literature Including the Canonical Literature in Prakrit and Sanskrit of all the Hīnayāna Schools of Buddhism (HIL VII, 2), Wiesbaden 1983. |
Penth, Jinak-Index |
see a. Texts: Jinak. |
Rudolf Otto Franke, Geschichte und Kritik der einheimischen Pāli-Grammatik und -Lexicographie, Straśburg 1902 = Kl. Schr., Wiesbaden 1978 vol. I, pp. 9–111. |
Pkt. PN |
Prakrit Proper Names compiled by Mohanlal Mehta and K. Rishabh Chandra, ed. by Dalsukh Malvania, Vols. I, II, Ahmedabad 1970, 1972. |
Hargovind Das Trikamchand Sheth, Pāiasaddamahaṇṇavo, (Prakrit Text Series Vol. VII), 2nd. ed., Benares 1963. |
Pāli Tipiṭakaṃ Concordance, London, Vol. I (a–o) listed by Frank Lee Woodward, ed. by Edward Miles Hare, 1952; Vol. II (k–n) listed by F. L. Woodward, ed. by E. M. Hare and Kenneth Roy Norman, 1973; Vol. III (p–bārāṇaseyyaka) listed by F. L. Woodward and E. M. Hare, ed. by Anthony Kennedy Warder, K. R. Norman etc. 1984 (publication discontinued). |
pW |
Otto Böhtlingk, Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, Vols. I–III, St. Petersburg 1879–1898. |
pW-N |
Richard Schmidt, Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung von O. Böhtlingk, Hannover 1924. |
Rahula, HBC |
Walpola Rahula, History of Buddhism in Ceylon, Colombo 1956. |
Renou, Terminologie |
Louis Renou, Terminologie grammaticale du Sanskrit, Paris 1942–1944. |
Salomon, Anav-g |
Richard Salomon, Two Gāndhārī Manuscripts of the Song of Lake Anavatapta (Anavatapta-gāthā), British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 1 and Senior Scroll 14, (Gandhāran Buddhist Texts Vol. 5), Seattle and London 2008. |
Salomon, Rhin-s |
Richard Salomon, A Gāndhārī Version of the Rhinoceros Sūtra, British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 5B, (Gandhāran Buddhist Texts Vol. 1), Seattle and London 2000. |
Salomon, Scrolls |
Richard Salomon, Ancient Buddhist Scrolls from Gandhāra. The British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragments, Seattle 1999. |
Sacred Books of the Buddhists |
Schubring |
Walter Schubring, Drei Chedasūtras des Jainakanons, (Alt- und Neuindische Studien 11), Hamburg 1966. |
= Hew. (Bequ.). |
Shih, Controversies |
Juo-hsüeh Shih, Controversies over Buddhist nuns, PTS, Oxford 2000. |
Skilling, Mahā-s |
Peter Skilling, Mahāsūtras. Great Discourses of the Buddha, Vols. I–II, PTS, Oxford 1994, 1997. |
SL |
Charles Edward Godakumbura, Sinhalese Literature, Colombo 1955. |
Sōrensen, Index |
Søren Sørensen, An Index to the Names in the Mahābhārata, London 1904–1925. |
StII |
Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. |
Studien |
= Kasussyntax. |
Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden und der kanonischen Literatur der Sarvāstivāda-Schule. Begonnen von Ernst Waldschmidt, hg. von Heinz Bechert, Göttingen, Vol. I (Vokale) 1994; Vol. II (k–dh) 2003; Vol. III (hg. v. H. Bechert und K. Röhrborn, n–m) 2008; Vol. IV (hg. v. Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Lfg. 21, 22, ya–veṣṭita) 2009. |
Tõhõ Gakkai Sõritsu Jūgoshūnen Kinen “Tõhõgaku Ronshu”, Tokyo 1962. |
University of Ceylon: History of Ceylon ed. by H. C. Ray, Colombo 1959–1960. |
University of Ceylon Review. |
Upasak |
= DBMT |
Vin koṣ |
Vinaya koshaya, Pāli-Sinhalese, ed. by M. Sasanaratna, Vol. I (a); Vol. II (ā–o), Panadura 1955–1958. |
Waldschmidt, MPS |
see a. Texts: MPS. |
ZfM |
Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft |
c. Technical Terms.
Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit, (cf. introduction to BHSD and O. v. Hinüber, Kl. Schr., Vol. I, 2009, p. 554 foll.). |
Buddh. sa. |
Buddhist Sanskrit (Sanskrit as used in Buddhist texts excluding BHS). |
corr. |
correction. |
gramm. lit. |
grammatical literature. |
exeg. |
exegetical literature. |
m.c. |
metri causa. |
lex. lit. |
lexicographical literature. |
or. recta |
oratio recta. |
o. v. |
orthographic variant. |
pa. |
Pāli. |
ref. |
referring to, reference. |
t. t. archit. |
terminus technicus architecturae. |
t. t. gr. |
terminus technicus grammaticae. |
t.t. med. |
terminus technicus medicinae. |
t. t. Vin. |
terminus technicus Vinayae. |
Further abbreviations can be found in Heinz Bechert: Abkürzungsverzeichnis zur buddhistischen Literatur in Indien und Südostasien, (Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden, Beiheft 3), Göttingen 1990.
Remark on the structure of the articles:
If space allows and if the alphabetical sequence is not disturbed, cpds. are listed under the first member of a compound, which is abbreviated by “°-” or, if the final vowel of the first member coalesces with the initial vowel of the second member by, e.g., “°â” , while sub-compounds are abbreviated by “~-”, or, if the final vowel of the second member coalesces with the initial vowel of the third member by, e.g., “~â”, cf. article kāma-rāga: °-paṭigha for kāma-rāga-paṭigha, and ~-saṁyojana for kāma-rāga-paṭigha-saṁyojana or ~ânusaya for kāma-rāga-paṭighânusaya. Finally, °(′)-agga replaces kāma-rūp′-agga, cf. s.v. kāmarūpa.
For the “ifc.” lists cf. CPD III, p. VII: A reference is given only, if the respective word is not listed in the published parts of the CPD, e.g., s.v. kāya, ifc. ajjhatta-° (Sv 645,24), but acitta-° without reference, because the latter word is included in CPD I.
A Critical Pāli Dictionary Online is maintained by the Data Center for the Humanities at the University of Cologne in cooperation with the Pali Text Society. The project was originally carried out by the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS) at the University of Copenhagen. It has been set up again in 2016 by Marcello Perathoner (Cologne Center for eHumanities) • Contact: • Data Privacy Statement (German)