C. Terms And Signs.

With approximate equivalents in Sanskrit and (×) Pāli; numbers = page and line of Saddanīti (Ee); cf. Sadd (IV) 1105-1172.

a the 1st pāda of a stanza, Th 111a: duppabbajjam ve duradhivăsā gehā.
A. B. anno Buddhæ, Ceylonese era, from the Parinibbāna, middle of 544 B. C. [EZ I 122 n. 7, cf. Mhv- Trsl. p. XXXII EZ III 1—2].
abl. ablative case: pañcamī × id., nissakkavacana, 60,10,33; 642,7; — its use: apādāna 701,16 foll.
abs. absolutive (gerundium): ktvā (+ lyap) × tvādiyanta, 308,21, 310,12—313,31; 851,9 … 857,29; — abs. in -am: ṇamul (cf. Wh § 995) × see avagaṇda-kārakam, kāya-ppacālakam (Vin IV 188,4), asannidhi-kāra-paribhogi(n) ≠ ura-ttāḷim.
absolute see: gen., loc., acc.
abstr. nomen abstractum: tasya bhāvaḥ, Pāṇ V 1,119 × bhāva 785,13 … 791,20 (Mogg IV 60 foll),m. abstv.: alasa-bhāva, f. abstr. alasatā, apilāpanatā, assavanatā, nānatta-tā, kāruñña-tā (pārami-tā); sāmaggī, pārisuddhī, pāripūrī (pāramĩ); n. abstr.: alasatta, alubbhitatta, dhŭmāyitatta; alasattana; pesuṇa, pesuñña, pesuṇiya, pesuṇeyya, sāmaggiya, ālasiya, issariya.
abstracted 'abstracted from', said of back-formations: ajjhārāma Add, 5assu, 2asañcicca, — mayatā (SN I 14,27*), — tamatagge (SN V 154,17).
acc. accusative case: dvitīyā × dutiyā, upayogavacana 60,7 … 32; 642,6-7; its use: karman × kamma, 692,5—693,6, 715,8—718,3; — acc. 'governed' by a subst., see anukampā Add, anupatti Add, assāseta(r), ahimsā; — absolute acc, see atthi part. (p. 113,35), adhiṭṭhita Add.
act. active voice: parasmaipada × parassapada 16,5, 811,19, cf. parassabhāsā 334,10.
ad ad (locum) ɔ: in commentary on the text quoted.
A. D. · anno Domini, Christian era.
adj. (cf. mfn.) adjective noun × guṇanāma, vāccaliṅga, appadhānaliṅga 247,1 (tiliṅga 662,16, teliṅgika 654,29).
adv. adverb; cf. kriyāviçeṣaṇa × cf. bhāvanapumsaka 717,15—718,3.
aff. affix (suffix, prefix, or infix): pratyaya × paccaya, 2,24.
agent (agens): kartṛ × (suddha)katta(r) 10,13, (sādhakavācakam nāmam 21,14); agent of caus, hetu × hetu-katta(r) 10,13.
agent noun nom(en) ag(entis).
agreeing agreeing syntactically: samānâdhikaraṇa × id. 27,10, tulyâdhikaraṇa 21,13—22,34, 751,12.
allitt. allitterative, allitteration: anuprāsa.
alphabet varṇamālā, akṣarasamāmnāya × akkharamālā, cf. 604,17—605,10; 857,31; — 'Burmese alphabet', etc., see B, C, Ee, K, L, Ne, Q, S*.
Amg. Ardhamāgadhī, the language of the Çvetāmbara Canon, Pischel § 16—19.
amphibr. amphibrachys ˘ - ˘ : ja-gaṇa.
āmr. cf. 'repeated words (Wh § 1260): āmredita × āme(ṇ)dita, 40,4—41,32; cf. also gāmā gāmam, akkhena akkham (1akkha Add).
anal. analogical(ly), to be used about 'les analogies proportionnelles' (Proportionsgleichungen): pisuṇa: pesuñña = gilāna: × = gelañña.
analyt. analytic; anal(yt). pot. (opt.) [aham gacche, tvam gacche, ayamgacche], see aham nom. sg. 2 ô (p. 528,21).
anap. anapæst: sa-gaṇa.
anapt. anaptyctic vowel, anaptyxis (imlgo "svarabhakti"), see for inst. 687,28—688,30.
anuprāsa 'allitteration (Vām IV 1,8, Bhāmaha II 5), see aham instr., pl. β (p. 532,7).; 364 note e.
aor. aorist tense (in CPD vol. I used for pret.): luṅ (adyatanī, Kāt III 1,22) × ajjatanī 14,9-10, 29,20—30,7, 843,26; its use 25,20, 816,6-25.
Apabhr. Apabhramça, late literary (mostly Jaiṅ) Middle-Indian, Jacobi, Bhavisattakahā p. 53*—89*.
apar. aparavaktra: 2 × (˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - || ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - ), Ja IV 443,22-25*, Mhv 23:102.
apod. apodosis (opp. protasis).
āryā1,2 āryā metre: (1): 2 × ( METRIC HHL - | ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - || ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - Jacobi ZDMG 1884 p. 596, properly gīti; (2) the later, 'Sanskrit', type [12 + 18 + 12 + 15 moræ] Piṅg lV 14 foll.
asambādhā 4 × ( - - - - - , ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ , - - - ), cf. 4 × (- - - - - , ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - - - ), Th 111.
aspirate aspirated stops: sôṣman × dhanita 607,27.
assim. assimilation of (vowels and) consonants, see doubling.
attr. attraction, see gender attraction.
augment aṭ (Pāṇ VI 4,7l), bhūtakaraṇa (Kāt III 1,14) × akārāgama, see this dictionary 2a-, cf. apucchasi, asiñcasi.
aup. aupacchandasaka: 2 × (METRIC HHL - | METRIC HHL - | ˘ - ˘ - - || METRIC HHL | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - - ), Piṅg IV 33.
aux. vb. auxiliary verb; 884,17; Geiger § 174.
avy. adverbial compound: avyayībhāva × id. 746,15—750,12 (775,25 … 778,22).
B text in Burmese script, Be Burmese edition (as from the Pyi-gyi-mandaing [Prañ-krī3-maṇduiṅ] Press, Rangoon), Br transcript from B-ms. of Bernard Free Library, Rangoon.
b the 2d pāda of a stanza, Th 22b morā Kāramviyam abhinadanti.
bacch. bacchius ˘ - - : ya-gaṇa.
back back formations, see: abstracted (from).
B. C. before Christ.
B. E. Burmese era, (Culla-)Sakkarāj, from 638 A. D.
bhvr. possessive adjective compound: bahuvrīhi × bahubbīhi, 759,22—767,25, 769,29—771,13, 779,1-8; aññattha, Mogg III 86.
blend word-blending, contamĩnation (Buddh.sa upapeta < upapanna × upeta and the like), see vaḷabhī (s. v. assatarī-ratha), vijjotalati (s. v. 2asi).
brachyl. brachylogical(ty), brachylogy, cf. an-aggi, aṅguli-veṭhaka (Add), see Th 43 (s. v. 1asita).
Buddh.sa. the mixed Buddhist Sanskrit (Mvu, Lal, etc), resp. the Buddhist terminology in its Sanskrit form.
C text in Sinhalese script (Simhala-puṣpākṣara), Ce Ceylonese edition (various Colombo printing offices), Ck Sinhalese ms. in Copenhagen (Rask collection).
C the 3d pāda of a stanza, Th 22c: te sītavātakalitā,
cæsura used improperly for yati (Piṅg VI 1) × id. Vutt 9; cf. pause.
case (in nominal flexion): vibhakti [sup] × vibhatti [syādi] 15,1, 60,3, 641,24 (but vibhatti is also = tyādi [tiṅ] ib. and 642,1); — see: nom., acc, instr., dat, abl., gen., loc, voc.
caupāī 4 × (6+ 4 + 4 +2) moræ, see apilapati, aparājitasamgha, apāyabhūmi.
caus. causative (causal, factitive) verb: [hetumati (ṇic) Pāṇ III 1,26] kārita × id. 315,18, 823,9—824,2, 589,1—590,4; hetukattukiriyāpada 5,18.
cerebral (alveolar … retroflex): [ṭu] mūrdhanya × muddhaja 608,80 (622,5, 623,4); d (ḷ): dd see akhiddâdhippāya Add.
cf. confer, compare.
ch. chapter or section (ajjhāya, pariccheda, sutta).
cod(d). codex, codices = Ms(s).
(comp. = cpd).
comp(ar). comparative grade (Pāṇ V 3,57), 792,3-13; 686,8-19.
cond(it). conditional mode: lṛṅ (kriyātipatti, Kāt III 1,33) × kālātipatli 14,12-13, 25,22, 30,16-23, 821,26; its use 20,25, 51,28—53,11, 821,6-14; condit. in protasis and opt. in apodosis: AN I 260,2-3.
coni. (or conj.) coniecit, coniectura, attempt to correct Ms. tradition.
1(conj.) conjunctive mode, see subj.
2conj. conjunction.
3conj. = coni.
cons. consonant [hal] vyañjana × id. 605,29—606,27; (607,25—)608,17.
cons.-group saṁyoga × id. (saññoga) 607,20,24 (opp. asamyoga 316,27, visamyoga 628,11, 630,2i), cf. doubling and anapt.; γ-groups 624,19—625,15; padma, etc, 621,4-10, 634,9; atraja, etc, 622,8-10,22; ratna 688,20-30; 923,26—924,5.
contr. contraction (of vowels): as aya > e, ava > o (626,14); see appesakkha.
corr. correct(ed), correction.
cp. = cf.
cpd. (nominal) compound, compositiim: samāsa × id. 740,24—-782,13; see: (āmr), avy, bhvr, dv, dvig, echo-cpd., ellipt. cpd., karmadh., split-cpd., tatp., tautol, cpd.; loose cpd.: 6asati (p. 495,3); — samāsa to be avoided 742,26-30.
cret. creticus (amphimacer) - ˘ - : ra-gaṇa.
ct. commentary (viz. aṭṭhakathā: -a, ṭīkā: -ṭ, -nṭ, -pt, -mhṭ, gaṇṭhipada: -gp, cf. sannaya: -sn, and rtissaya: -ns); — see -a, etc. under A. a. above.
cvi the casus translativus in -ī (x -î), Pāṇ V 4,50 × 874,27—876,9; cf. ahamkāra, sīti-siyā Sn 1073 ["inchoative verb" Sa.-Synt. § 308]. .
d the 4th pāda of a stanza, Thī 509d: chātā sunakharh va caṇdālā.
dact. dactylus - ˘ ˘: bha-gaṇa.
dat. dative case: caturthī × catutthī, sampadānavacana 60,9,32; 642,7; (-āya) 130,16—137,10 (cf. 737,17—739,4); its use 721,3-9 (cf. 727,25-27); 869,27-30; with ṭhita Vin III 175,33; dativus ethicus: see aharh dat. pl. γ (p. 532,26).
deç. deçīya, deçīçabda, Pischel § 9, cf.: tdbh, ts.
dele efface (cancel).
dem. pron. demonstrative pronoun: ayam, asu, sa, enam, naríi, 267,5-6, 274,21—278,18.
denom. denominative verb: nāmadhātu × (dhāturūpakasadda 586,12), 587,4-32, 822,23—823,8,28 (dhāturūpa)—824,2.
dental [tu] dantya × dantaja 608,31.
deriv. derivated from, derivation, grammatical analysis: nirvacana × nibbacana 64, (9),14-16, nirutti 911,19—912,24; sadda·(sattha)-naya or veyyākaraṇanaya as opposed to niruttinaya (aṭṭhakathānaya, porāṇā) f. inst. manussa from manu + suff., resp. from mana(s) + ussanna — 783,32, Pj II 829 s. v. nirutti.
desid. desiderative verb; san × tumicchattha, 822,17-22; (826,3-24).
dim. diminutive noun, 803,17-21.
diphth. diphthong: sandhyakṣara (e, o, ai, an Kāt I 1,8) × asarūpa, asavaṇṇa (e, o) 606,28—607,18; the only real diphth., aį, is written -ayi-: yathayidam, payirupāsati.
dissim. dissimilation, Geiger § 44, 47 (ludda, dalidda, nalāṭa).
dodhaka 4 × ( METRIC HHL ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - - ), Sn 677—678, Vv 615—617.
dohā 2 × (6 + 4 + 3 || 6 + 4 + 1) moræ, see Sadd 1171,9, 1172,36.
doubling gemination of consonants: dvitva, dvirvacana × dvitta, dvebhāva 620,20-28,628,11-19,636,19; expressiveofemphasis: aha-(d)dhi, etc.
dropping of a phoneme or syllable: [luk] lopa × id. 636,25; akkharalopa 632,23—634,3; 611,23—614,17, 616,31, 620,11, 630,21.
dual dual number: dvivacana × id. 92,16—93,32; 634/7.19; vam Ja V 375,11*.
dv. copulative compound: dvandva × dvanda 767,26—769,5; 750,16—751,11; 778,23-33; 779,18-22; see asi-sūnā, assāsa-passāsa, aho-ratti.
dvig. numeral compound: dvigu × digu 753,28—754,12; 750,13-15; 759,5-21.
e the 5th pāda of a stanza, Sn 537e: pariyantam akāsi nāmarūpaṁ.
echo-cpd. 'echo-compound1', the term used in DSL for Sinh, akā-makā, etc.'duplicatiorí Kittel-K p. XLVIII s. v. dupl.; cf. Horn Neupers. Schriftsprache (GirPh 1:2) § 108, p. 196,5; Sinh, sit pit æti, Hindi dahī mahī, achtāo pachtāo; — cf. perh. akkula-pakkula, sahita-pahita.
ed. edited (by), edition; cf. Be, Ce, Ee, Ke, Ne, Se.
Ee (European) edition in latin print.
e. g. exempli gratia — for inst(ance).
ell(ipsis) ellipse, elliptical expression, see ananulomika, anekarūpa, aham nom. sg. 2 B p. 528,38 (Sadd 344 n. /., 710 n. 6,7, Ai. Synt. §3—5, VāmVl.14); cf. (nom.) Vin I 275,18, (acc.) Vin I 341,30, II 115,7, SN IV 189,14; (nom. acc.) DN III 73,8, (instr.) Ja V 167,4*, (dat.) AN II 73,9, III 215,16.
ell(ipt). cpd. elliptical compound: madhyamapadalopi-samāsa (Vām V 2,14 ≠ Mahā-bh I 406,5-8).
ell(ipt). pl. elliptical (dual and) plural: ekaçeṣa × ekasesa (19,8-14) 796,24—797,23, 799,11.
emph. emphatical, emphasis: expressed by h- (halam, etc. 889, n. 8), or by doubling (abbhum, ettāva, ib.).
epex. epexegetic, epexegesis.
epith. epitheton.
esp. especial(ly).
etc. et cetera.
etym. (traditional) etymology, see: deriv.
euphony × cf. sukhuccāraṇa 628,2, 633,8—634,3 (to be distinguished from vācāsiliṭṭhatā 637,16 n. 8).
expl. explaining, in a paraphrase of.
1f the 6th pāda of a stanza, Sn 185f: katham pecca na socati.
2f feminine gender: strīliṅga × itthiliṅga 641,14; 676,27—677,24; -ā or -ī: assumukha f. a, β; feminine nicknames: 2a-vitakka Rem. (4).
first pers. 1st person in verbal flexion: uttamapuruṣa × uttamapurisa 26,3—27,16, 811,23—812,15.
fol. folium, leaf of a Ms: R: recto, V: verso (obverse).
foll. the following (lines or verses).
for inst. = e. g.
fut. future tense: [lṛṭ] bhaviṣyantī (Kāt III 1,32) × bhavissantī 14,10-12, 821,24-25, 30,8-15; two formations: -*(i)ṣiti resp. -(i)ṣyati, see hehiti, hohiti: hessati, bhavissati 828,11-15, kāhiti: karissati 828,16-18, ehiti: essati 320,27-33, dakkhiti: dakkhati (444,8-10), gañchiti: gamissati (181 n. í); — its use: 25,21, 818,5—821,5.
fut. periphr. periphrastic future: [luṭ] çvastanī (Kāt III 1,30) × [svātanī 56,14].
gem. geminated, gemination = doubling.
gen. genitive case: ṣaṣṭhī × chaṭṭhī, sāmivacana 60,11,33, 642,8; its use 721,15—727,19; absolute gen. 725,8-11; cf. genit.-acc.
gender (jn., f, n.): liṅga × id. 216,5—225,2, 641,7-23, 714,6-16; 913,27—914,12; cf. stem.
gender attr. gender attraction, as dukkhanirodharĩi ariyasaccam, sabbo samuddo asīmo, Buddho … tāṇo Ap 319,17; cf. a-suññata, n.
genit.-acc. (A. Meillet, Recherches sur Femploi du génitif-accusatif en vieux-slave, Paris 1897 p. 82—95) see aharli acc. sg. β (p. 529,31), acc. pl. β (p. 531,44).
ger. gerundivum (participium necessitatîs): kṛtya × kicca 847,13—848,12, 862,4-25; besides the types kātabba, kāriya, kicca, karaṇīya, ñāteyya, cf. a-sekha, a-santuleyya.
Gr(r). (Indian) grammarian(s): vaiyākaraṇa × veyyākaraṇa, sadda-satthavidu, akkharacintaka.
gramm. grammar, grammatical.
grammar vyākaraṇa, çabdānuçāsana, çabdaçāstra × saddasattha, sadda-lakkhaṇa (1,18).
grd. = ger. (for 'gerundium here always: abs).
guttural [ku] kaṇṭhya × kaṇṭhaja 608,29; doubled 624,19-21, 625,3.
hapl(ol). haplology (hapaxépie, superposition syllabique, Grammont) as in Kātiyā(ya)na, avijjā[ya] nīvuto (Sn 1033a), tāvade(va), e(va)meva (632,27), see accupati, 2accha, acchodaka (acchodi), 2ajjhā, addhaka, addhatiya (+ Add), anavajja, anuddāyita (?), anussāvana (Vin V 203,8*), appaṭissa, aham gen. sg.(p. 530,43-47), nom.pl. β (p. 531,11-17).
heavy heavy syllable (pr prosodic unity): [g(a) Piṅg I 10] guru × garu 607,19-22, 632,22.
homon. homonym(pus) × samānasutika 31,6—41,32, 128,11-12, see atthuddhāra (e. g. 342,24—344,2) and cf. atthasaddacintā; as to synonyms see for inst. 323,22—325,3, 331,12-13, 332,30-31.
iamb. iambus ˘ - : la + ga.
ib(id). ibidem, at the same place.
id. idem, the same,
ifc. in fine compositi ɔ: as a terminal: uttarapada × id. (parapada) 754,18 (751,26,32, 771,15), samāsantagata 774,13—776,4; Mogg III 48—61 (≠ samāsānta, e. g. Pāṇ V 4,68-iβo).
imper. imperative mode: [loṭ] pañcamī (Kāt III 1,26) × id. 14,3-4, 28,15-28, 821,18; see ayāma; 1 pl. -mu 839,12; — it* use: 25,14, 813,26—815,20, 816,26—817,5,11—818,4.
impers. impersonal construction.
impf. imperfect tense: [laṅ] hyastanī (Kāt III 1,27) × hiyyattanī 14,7-9, 29,9-16; cf.pret., see apucchasi, asiñcasi; —· its use: 25,17-18, 816,3-5,9-25.
1ind. indicative mode.
2ind. indeclinable part of speech: avyaya × id. 901,3-4 (cf. abs., interj., particles, prep., prev.).
indef. indefinite pronoun (interr, pron. + -pi, -ci, -cana, -cinarh).
inf. infinitive: [tumun] tumartha × tumanta 309,17—310,11, 850,29—851,8.
infix (nasal) increment: (num- or çnam-)āgama × niggahītâgama 824,18-24; 826,25-27; 474,3—475,20.
inscr(r). inscription(s).
instr. instrumental case: tṛtīyā × tatiyā, karaṇavacana 60,4,32; 642,7; — its use: 718,4—721,2, 723,16—724,4, (733,3—735,21).
intens. intensive verb: [yaṅ]; (826,25-27).
interj. interjection, cf. particles.
interr. interrogative (pronoun or particle): kiiiivṛtta (Pāṇ III 3,6) × pucchanattha 266,25, 267,7, (894,14-15), 896,3-10, 898,20, 902,9; — 268,30, 270,13, 272,10, 278,19—283,14.
intr. intransitive verb: akarmaka × akammaka (opp. sakammaka) 3,27—5,17.
i. q. idem quod, the same as.
iteration vīpsā × vīcchā 749,13.
jag. jagatī: 4 × ( METRIC HHL - ˘ - - ˘ ˘ - ˘ - ˘ - etc.).
J. E. Jain era: Vīrasariivat, 1 = 527-26 B. C. (Schubring-J p. 30).
K text in Cambodian script (aksar mūl), Ku = K-ms in Upsala, Ke = K-edition, esp. the Phnom Penh [Bhnam Beñ] Tipiṭaka).
kāraka (adverbal case-function) × id. 10,12-29, 20,29—21,11; 691,1—740,15.
karmadh. descriptive cpd.: karmadhāraya × kammadhāraya 751,12—753,27; 771,14—773,33.
kṛt (primary noun) × kit, kita(ka) 844,18—877,24.
K. Y. Kaliyuga, "begins zero o'clock February 18th 3102 B. C".
labial [pu] oṣṭhya × oṭṭhaja 608,30; doubled 619,5, 624,27, 625,4,11-12; — bbh (≠ vh) < (d)dhv see accubbha Add., cf. bhajavho, etc. (≠ sa. bhajadhvam); —· two labials (p-p: p-v, etc. see apāpurati).
lect. fac. lectio facilior, an obvious (not genuine) reading, due to correctors and often derived from Ct.s; see Uttarāpathaka (for Uttarāhaka) s. v. assa-vāṇija.
leg. legendum, read.
length. lengthening, 807,22—808,26; see rhythm, length, and sandhi (-lengthening).
Lexx. Indian lexica; koça × kosa.
light light syllable (or prosodic unity): [1(a) Piṅg I 9] laghu × lahu 607,23-24.
loc. locative case: saptamī × sattamī, bhummavacana, 60,12,33; 642,8; its use: adhikaraṇa (ādhāra) × okāsa 724,13—725,11, 727,20—730,24, 733,13-19,25—734,31; absolute loc. 725,8-11, 727,30—729,25; — cf. a-samenta, a-sampatta (1—2).
long long vowel: dīrgha × dīgha 605,22-28.
Iw. loan-word [from sa.: indriya, brahma etc, cf. vīcchā, dātta, tasmā-t-iha; from Tam.: vaḷañjati 349 n. h, puḷuvaka (≠ pulu), cf. akaḷu, Akatti].
m. masculine gender: pumliṅga × pulliṅga 641,12-13.
M. literary Mahārāṣṭrī prakrit, Pischel § 12.
Māgadhisms influence from proto-Māgadhī (accord. to Geiger § 80 and others), see 2avitakka, Rem.
mālinī 4 × ( ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - - , - ˘ - - ˘ - - ), Mhv 4: 66.
masc. = m.
mattamayūra 4 × ( - - | - - | - ˘ ˘ | - - | ˘ ˘ - | - ), Mhv5: 282, Bv-a 120,15.
med. medium, middle voice: ātmanepada × attanopada 11,1-21, 16,11-18, 811,22; cf. attanobhāsā 332,32, 334,15, 335,5, 365,29; — homonymous forms, act.-med. 45,8—48,24.
media voiced stop.
metaph. metaphorical(ly).
metath. metathesis; cf. vipariyăya 632,13-17, 830,18, 837,5.
metr. metrically (according to metrical criteria, against orthography); cf. "for the sake of syllabic metre [chandas-] or rhythm" [vṛtti × vutti] 632,22-633,7; 628,i(-i9); "meṝre faulty" see for inst. a-vinde.
mfn. used as an adj.
Mg. literary Māgadhī prakrit, Pischel §23; see: Amg., Māgadhisms.
mi. middle-indian: (1) proto-prakrit (ind. Pali), (2) prakrit, (3) Apabhramça.
molossus - - - [METRIC]: ma-gaṇa.
mora the prosodic unityone light syllable: mātrā × mattā 605,16-30.
Ms(s). manuscript(s): pustaka × potthaka; — Ms.-catalogues, see above 16*: Cat.-Ceylon, etc.
muta(e) stop(s).
1n. (after a page-quotation) — (foot)note.
2n. neuter gender: napumsakaliṅga × id. 641,16-17; (bhāva-napum-saka, see: adv.).
Ne edition in Devanāgarĩ print.
nasal (1) nazalized vowel: sâmmāsika × id. 606,26, (2) nasal consonant: vargapañcama × vagganta 628,23.
nasalization (affecting a vowel): anusvāra, anunāsika × niggahĩta [anusvāra] 606,17-27, 608,8-10, 628,23—632,12.
neg. negated, negative, negation: pratiṣedha × paṭisedhana 889,4—890,6 (904,10-16); see a3, cf. an-okāsam katvā and a-nimitta Add.
neutr. vb. verbum neutrum: bhāva (Pāṇ III 1,66) × bhāvassa kiriyāpada 7,24—10,6.
next the following entry.
ni. continental neo-indian (Hindī etc).
nom. nominative case: prathamā × paṭhamā, paccattavacana 60,6,32, 318,4; 642,5-6; its use: liṅgārtha (Kāt II 4,17) × ĭiṅgamatta 713,29—714,26; kartṛ × katta(r) 718,18-21, (hetu ×) id. 715,6-7, 731,17-26; karma × kamma 693,1-3.
nom. ag. nomen agentis, agent noun.
noun noun as a part of speech: [subanta] nāman × nāma, nāmikapada, syādyanta 59,29—87,13, 878,7—880,13; see prmry., scdry., cpd.; pronoun, adj., num., stem.
Npr. nomen proprium, proper name.
num. numerale cardinale: samkhyā × id. (samkhyā-sabbanāma) 267,7, 283,15—288,29, 296,28—298,16, 301,15—308,12; 795,16—796,14, 799,8—803,14; — see aṭṭhavīsati, asīti; cf. ord.
number in nominal and verbal fîexion: vacana × id. 14,23-24, 16,24—20,21, 735,25—737,11, 739,4-15, 797,10—799,7; see: sg, dual, pl.
oi. old-indian: (1)ved., (1)sa., (3)Buddh.-sa.
om. omit(s).
onomatop. onomatopoetic, imitative word-formation, cf. anukaraṇa-sadda.
opp. opposed to, opposite in meaning.
opt. ( = pot.) optative mode: [liṅ] saptamī (Kāt III 1,25) × sattamī 13,30, 14,4-6, 821,19-20, 832,6-26, 833,9-18, 840,4-21; formations: α < -(i)yāt: siyā, jāniyā, jaññā, assa, β < -et: bhave(yya), γ < -*iyet (blend of a and β): haññe, pakampiye (see as(a)nāti, pot.), δ (blend of opt. and imper.): viharemu 839,911, ε (analytic opt.) see aham p. 528,25; — its use: 25,15, 815,1-30.
ord. numerale ordinale: samkhyāpūraṇa × id. 795,5-15,19-27, 796,15-23.
orig. originally.
p. page.
pada x) word, 2) = pāda, see: quarter.
Paiç. Paiçācī prakrit, Pischel § 27.
palatal [cu] tālavya × tāluja 608,29; doubled: 619,7 (622,20) 625,7-10, 626,3-13,. 627,12-17 (634,4-9), 635,9-14.
palimb. palimbacchius - - ˘ ta-gaṇa.
paradigm (x) nominal p.: nāmikapadamālā 87,24—266,4, (2) verbal p.: kiriyāpadamālā 25,26—30,23.
parenth. parenthetical(ly), see a-santhava, Ja VI 61,4*.
paron. paronomasia (ind. 'figura etymologica) — germ. Paronomasie (H·Reckendorf, Über Paronomasie in den semitischen Sprachen, Giessen 1909; M. Nygaard, Norrøn syntax, Kristiania 1905, §90—92; cf.Zubaty, IFIII126—27, PāṇlII4,35-45) see for inst. xanaya, 2anācāra, attakāra (b), atthikavāda, anāthavāsa, anuvedha, anekajātisamsāra, anuyoga (anuyutta); aṭṭhakathā, anukiriyā, anupabbajjā, atthacariyā, adhammacariyā, anuṭṭhānaseyyā, anusāsanī (anusāsati), adhivutti-pada, ajaddhumāri; anāthamaraṇa, aggavandana; — atthika, anekavihita; — atidānadāyi(n), aññadatthujaya(m-jaya), aṭṭhivedha-viddha, anuyogabhayabhīta, anussavasuta.
part. present participle: [çatṛ, çānac] sat (Pāṇ III 2,127); 870,4-14.
particles (exclusive of prep.s and preu.s, inclusive of interj.s): nipāta × id. 878,4, 886,22—906,14; nepātika 886,24.
partit. partitive use of loc. or gen.: nirdhāraṇa × niddhāraṇa, ubbāhana 724,22—725,7.
pass. passive voice × kammuno kiriyāpada 6,19—7,22.
patron. patronymicum: apatya (gotra, yuvan, etc.) × apacca 783,19—784,26 (803,15-16, 806,9-12, 810,23-28).
pause cf. viccheda, vicchinditvā uccāretabbam, etc. 37,15—38,30, 41,26—44,32; cf. cæsura.
pehl. pehlevi (pahlavīk).
perh. perhaps (suggested by the present writers).
periphr. periphrastical(ly), periphrasis;periphr. fut. see: fut. periphr.
pers(on) person in verb and pronoun: puruṣa × purisa, 14,20-21, 21,12—24,28, 811,23—812,15.
pers. pron. personal pronoun, 288,30—296,3.
pf. perfect tense: [liṭ] parokṣā (Kāt III 1,29) × parokkhā 13,30, 14,6-7, 29,1-8, 821,21, 827,26-27; — itsuse: 25,16, 816,1-2, 817,6-10; see āha, and āsa s. v. xatthi Add.
phonetics çĭkṣā × sikkhā 608,18—609,15.
pl. plural number: bahuvacana × bahuvacana, puthuvacana, anekavacana 16,24—20,21 (ind. pluralis auctoris 18,10, and reverentiæ 18,13-16).
pluta protracted into three moræ × cf. āyata 90,10—92,9.
poët. poëtice.
poss. possessive, poss, suffixes: matvarthīya, tad asyâsti (Pāṇ V 2,94) × tad ass' atthi 792,14—794,16, 788,11, 789,5-13.
postp. postpositive, postposition, see anāgata 2 Add.; cf. prep.
pot. potential mode; used for opt. in CPD vol. I.
pp. past participle: niṣṭhā × niṭṭhā, (x) pass, kta × ta 849,28—850,12, 852,28—853,2,15-17, 854,5—855,30, 858,15-25, 859,7-10, (kta) 866,8-12(877,20-22); — (2) act. ktavatu × tavantu (tāvi(n)) 849,28—850,2.
pr. present tense (indic): [laṭ] vartamānā (Kāt III l,li) × vattamānā 13,30—14,2, 25,28—28,14, 821,15-17; — its use: 25,13, 812,16—813,25, 817,6-10.
pr.-classes see root-classes.
praharṣiṇī 4 × ( - - | - , ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - - ), Mhv 6:47.
prakr. literary (Jain and epigraphic) Prakrit (M., Mg., Amg., Ç, etc), see mi:
pramāṇī (Piṅg V 7) 4 × ( ˘ - ˘ - ˘ - ˘ - ) Bṛh-Up-vārt III 1885), cf. SN I 14,2-8*.
pramit. (proto) pramitākṣarā: 4 × ( METRIC HHL - | ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - |˘ ˘ - ), DN III 169,25*—170,12*, 172,19*—173,10*, 174,6*—175,2*.
1prec. the preceding entry.
2prec. precative (benedictive) mode: āçiṣi liṅ, cf. Pischel § 466.
prep. governing preposition or postposition: karmapravacanīya × kammappavacanīya 40,9-11, 715,18—716,15; 729,26—730,15; to be distinguished from prev.
pret. the mi. preterite or past tense (replacing aor., impf., pf. and the pr. with sma), see aor.
prev. preuerb: upasarga (gati) × upasagga 878,4, 880,15—886,21.
prmry primary noun: kṛt (ind. kṛtya) × kit(a), kitanta 35,2, 844,18—877,24 (ind. kicca — see ger.and uṇādi ≠ Kacc 626—675).
prob. probably.
prol. proleptic, prolepsis; aharii dat. β (p. 530,13-15).
pron. pronoun: sarvanāman × sabbanāma (ind. num.) 266,10—308,12.
prop. proposition, sentence: vākya × id. (603,6, 610,3, 919,26), 742,26-30 (opp. samāsa); vyañjana 907,17-18, 911,6-19.
prose gadya (cf. cūrṇa, etc. Vām I 3,24-25) × gajja 610,5-6, cuṇṇiya-(pada) 11,18,20, 628,2; 190,6—191,2.
protasis a dependent clause (preceding its apodosis).
proto-prakr. proto-prakrit (see mi (1)) — Alt-Prakrit, Lüders Kl. Turfl 61—-65.
prp. preposition.
puṣp. puṣpitāgrā: 2 × ( ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - - || ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - - ) DN III 150,16*—151,6*, 153,15*—154,8*, 163,11*—164,4*.
Q text in square Pali (Pali carré), mainly Kammavākya-mss.
qu. quoting, quoted.
quantity of vowels (cf. mattā 316,25), see: long, short.
quarter of a stanza: (pada) pāda × pada, pāda.
quasi-cpd. see aṭṭhavīsati and asīti (p. 509,60).
q. v. quod vide, which see.
R recto, see fol.
rath. rathoddhatā: 4 × ( - ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - ), Thī 252—270, DN III 152,3-14*, 155,1*—156,4*, Ja V 452,4*—454,12*.
recto see: fol.
red(upl). reduplication: abhyāsa (dve) × abbhāsa (dvitta) 838,4-n, 826,3—827,5 (822,10-22).
refl. reflexive pronoun.
rel. relative pronoun (cf. yadvṛtta Pāṇ VIII 1,66 × see aniyama, and aniyamuddesa Add) 267,4, 273,12—274,20.
Rem. remark.
rhet. rhetorical term (from the alamkāraçāstra).
rhythm, length. rhythmical lengthening (avoiding … ˘ ˘ ˘ METRIC HHL, de Saussure Une loi rythmique de la langue grecque 1884, etc, Gauthiot, La fin de mot 1913 p. 166—189), see ajāmiga Add.,Añjanavana, Añjanāgiri (+ Add), adhika ifc. (sam-), adhikaraṇa ifc. (kim-), anubandhati aor., anubujjhati aor. β, anānugiddha … anānuvajja, anāvakūla, anāvasūra, anītiha, anūpakhajja, anūpaghāta, anūpadhīka, foll., anūpama … (anūsaya), Amaravatī.
root dhātu × id. 2,5-19, 822,7, 823,9—824,15, 825,30.
root-class(es) (in Pāṇ I—X, in Sadd I—VIII): dhātugaṇa × id. 2,20-23, 570,3—573,12; — in detail·. I bhuvādi, 3,25, 315,7—469,26, 824,16; II rudhādi, 470,4—475,23, 824,18-24; III divādi, 475,24—491,16, 824,25; IV svādi, 491,17—495,9, 825,1-3; V kiyādi, 495,10—502,3, 825,4-5; VI gahādi, 502,4—505,34, 825,6-17; VII tanādi, 506,1—518,7, 825,18-19; VIII curādi, 518,18—569,19, 825,20; — Mogg V 15—26.
rucirā 4 × ( METRIC HHL - ˘ - ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - ˘ - ˘ - ), Th 109 (DN III 166,20*—167,6*), cf. Vv 211 A—213.
Ç literary Çaurasenī prakrit, Pischel § 22.
çārd. çārdūlavikrīdita: 4 × ( - | - - | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - , - - | ˘ - - ˘ - ), Mhv 20:58.
Ç. E. Çāka era, from 78 A.D.
çl. 'çloka'-metre: vaktra (Piṅg V 9—19) × vatta Vutt 117—126; cf. siloka 325,20.
Se edition in Siamese print.
s. a. sine anno, undated.
sa. classical and epic Sanskrit (pr oi. in general): saríiskṛta × sakkaṭa 8,20, 93,12-32 (opp. Māgadhabhāsā ɔ: Pāli), 923,n, 924,7; — see Iw.
sak. Khotanĩ-saka
sandhi × id. 610,14—611,17; (1) sarasandhi 611,18—619,18 (cf. 42,2—44,32; 43,10: samhitāpadaccheda), (2) vyañjanasandhi 619,26—627,23, (3) vomissasandhi 627,24—640,27; — 'sandhi-consonants' (as rājā-r-iva on the pattern of aggi-r-iva) cf. āgamakkhara 43,29-33; 636,15—637,7; — s&ndhi-lengthening: i + a > yā, u + a > vā, e + a>yā>, o + a> vā, accāhita, anvādhika, ky āham, sv āharṅ s. v. aharíi p. 528,42,46 [i + a > ī, i + u > ū, for inst. avītivatta, avūpasanta] — sandhi to be avoided: 637,19—638,17.
scdry secondary noun: taddhita × id. 782,17—811,3.
S. E. Siamese era (Ratanakosin sok) from April 1st 1782 A. D.
sec. pers. second person in verbal flexion: madhyamapuruṣa × majjhima-purisa 26,2—27,16, 811,23—812,12.
sentence see: prop.
sg. singularnumber: ekavacana × id. 16,24—20,21; ekatta 750,13—751,11.
sgh. = sinh. (Sinhalese).
short vowel: [ak] hrasva × rassa 605,16.
sinh. is9n·) Sinhalese (ind. Elu).
split-cpd. split-compound, syntagma in lieu of cpd., in poetry (often avoiding … ˘ ˘ ˘ METRIC HHL cf. amatam-tala and see: rhythm, length.) seeajakara, ajjuna, Añjanavana [BSL XXXIII 172 n.i).
spond. spondee - - []METRIC ga + ga.
sq(q). = foll.
sragdharā 4 × ( - - - - ˘ - - , ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - , - ˘ - - ˘ - - ) Mhv 1:84.
stanza (vṛtta) gāthā × id. (catuppada, chappada, visamapada, see Pj II 818,17-20).
stem nominal base: [phiṣ] prātipadika, liṅga × pāṭipadika 861,13, liṅga 60,1-2, 641,7-23, cf. gender.;nominal stems (pakatirūpāni) and their flexion in detail: 93,33—308,12.
stops mutæ: sparçāh (vargīyāh) × vaggā 606,8-16, 607,25—608,10.
subj. subjiinctive mode: leṭ; Geiger § 123.
subst. substantive noun: (abhidheya, guṇin) × abhidheyyaliṅga, padhānaliṅga, guṇipada 247,2-3,27—256,8 … 258,30.
substitute ādeça × ādesa 28,18; (dhātu)ādesa 827,1 … 829,18, 832,24 …837,29-30, etc.
suff. suffix or affix: pratyaya × paccaya 2,24—3,25, 804,14 foll., 822,7, 852,21.
superl. superlative grade: 792,3-13.
supplying (as of a brachyl, or ellipt. expression) adhyāhāra × cf. ajjhāharitabba 22,7, 27,9.
s. v. sub voce, under that entry.
svāgatā 4 × ( - ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - |˘ ˘ - | - ), Ja I 89,23-26*.
svarabh. svarabhakti, see: anapt.
svārth. svārthika suffix, cf. sakatthe 803,17-21, 804,8-11.
syllable akṣara × akkhara 1,19, 604,24, 907,3 (632,23, 633,8, 634,4); —word-order dependingon the numberofsyllables see: wax. comp.
syn. synonym(ous) sāmanattha 68,17; cf. adhivacana, pariyāya, vevacana; see for inst.: 330,5-10,29-32, 332,21-31, 334,6-9, 363,28—365,13.
syntagma as opp. to cpd: vākya (vyāsa) × id. (id.) 742,26 (769,2i).
taddh. taddhita, see scdry.
tag see 3asita (AN II 15,28*), cf. Hopkins, The Great Epic 211 foll.
Tam. Tamil;see Iw.
tatp. dependent cpd.: tatpuruṣa × tappurisa 754,13—759,21, 769,15-19, 774,1-12.
tautol, cpd. tautological compound (where two members out of three seem to be synonymous) see atītagatasatthar, abhinīlanettanayana, cf. nīlakkhinayana Ap 467,7, muggarahatthapāṇi Pv 73, ākāsanabhagata Bv2:50, andhakāratamonuda Ap 49,2, salilambucārin Sn 62.
tdbh. tadbhava (ɔ: samskṛtabhava), Pischel §8.
tense see pr., imper., opt., pf., impf·, aor., fut., fut. periphr., cond. (subj.): [daca lakārāh]; tense and time 25,11—59,17; tense character: vikaraṇa × id. 2,28—3,25, see root-classes.
tenuis voiceless stop.
Th. Thera.
third pers. thircl person in verbal flexion: prathamapuruṣa × paṭhamapurisa 26,4—27,16, 811,23—812,9; poët. ādipurisa 33,30.
tmesis (1) traces of the autonomy of preverbs: ajjha so vasi 627,12-17; (2) insertion of ca, eva, su and forms of atthi or bhavati after the first member of a nominal. cpd. (IF I 402—403, Ai.Gr. II 1 § 11 b, Sadd 202 n. e, 481 n. 12, 627 n. 18, 767,17-22, 781,7-11) see aṭṭhārasakkhattum, aṭṭhārasavassa, aṭṭhāsītihattha, anupassin, cf. dve-ca-pannarasāyutam Th 753, āyuñ-ca-anu-pālanam Dīp 3:2 ,sabbato-ca-mukhabhāvam Mil 415,17*, kiṁcid-eva-mātram JAs 1913, 500,2 (: kiñcimattaṁ Vin III 259,11).
toṭaka 4 × ( ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - ) Mhv 24:59.
trans. transitive verb: sakarmaka × sakammaka 3,26, 11,26—43,10, 571,9-20, 589,25—590,4; cf. intrans.
tribr. tribrachys ˘ ˘ ˘ : na-gaṇa.
triṣṭ. triṣṭubh-metre ( × tuṭṭhubha): 4 × ( METRIC HHL - ˘ - - ˘ ˘ - ˘ - - , etc.
trochee - ˘ : ga + la.
Trsl. translation.
ts. tatsama (ɔ: saṁskṛtasama), Pischel §8.
udg udgatā: ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ , ˘ ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ - |˘ - ˘ - || METRIC HHL | ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ ˘ - | METRIC HHL - | ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ - ˘ || DN III 168,10*—169,2*, Abhidh-av v. 1169.
uṇādi : uṇ(ṇ)ādi × id. Kacc 626—675, Mogg VII 1—229; în Sadd under kit, see prmry.
unasp. iinaspirated stop × sithila 607,25.
uninfl. uninflected (case-)form: avibhaktikanirdeça × avibhattikaniddesa 15,7—16,4.
unmetr. unmetrical, not fitting the metre in question.
upadhā (the last phoneme but one Pāṇ I 1,65) × upadh[a/ā] 861,6-12.
upasth. upasthitapracupita: - | - - | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - ˘ | - ˘ ˘ | - - | METRIC HHL - | ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ - ˘ - ˘ - - || ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ ˘ - | - || DN III 159,27* foll. 177,27* foll.
1v. vide, see.
2v. verse, stanza.
V. obverse, see fol.
vaiçvadevī 4 × ( - - - - - , - ˘ - - ˘ - - ), Mhv 14:65.
vait. vaitālīya: 2 × ( METRIC HHL ), Abhidh-av v. 88.
vasant. vasantatilaka: 2 × ( - - | ˘ - ˘ | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ ˘ - | ˘ - - ), Vism 501,25-32*.
vb. verb [tiṅ(ṅ)anta] ākhyāta × ākhyāt(ik)a, tyādyanta 13,29—14,33, 16,5—30,23, 811,16—844,9.
vb. adj. verbal adjective (in -in, -aka, -ana, etc),
vb. noun verbal noun (in -i, -ti, -ana, -a, -ā); with acc. see anukampā, anu-(p)patti (Add).
V. E. Vikrama era, from 58 B. C.
ved. vedic.
veg. vegavatī: 2 × ( METRIC HHL - ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - - | - ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - ˘ ˘ - - ), Sn 663—676.
verb see, vb.
verse opp. prose) gāthā, padya × pajja 610,7-8.
viz. videlicet, namely.
v. l. varia lectio (in mss), see v. r.
voc. vocative case: sambodhane prathamā (cf. sambuddhi), āmantrita × ālapana 60,33, aṭṭhamī 60,13, āmantaṇavacana 61,8; (voc. sg.) ga, āmantaṇe si 642,20, (voc. pl.) yo-ālapana 652,26; 677,27—680,6, and 170,17—172,22 (voc. with bho etc);its use: 60,22-25, 713,12-28.
voice of the verb: upagraha; see act., med., pass.
voiced ghoṣavat × ghosavat 608,6-8.
voiceless aghoṣa × aghosa 608,4-5.
vowel : [ac] svara × sara 605,11-28, 606, 28—607,24; suddhassara 321,7, 638,10-31.
v. r. various reading (pi-pāṭho, vā-pāṭho) recorded by ct.s, ṭīkās, or grammarians (opp. v. l.), cf. w. r.
vṛddhi × vuddhi 783,16-18, 806,9-16, 810,23-31.
wax. comp. the rule of waxing components (das Gesetz der wachsenden Glieder;H. Ehelolf, Ein Wortfolgeprinzip im Assyrisch-Babylonischen,Leipzig 1916; Leum.-Hofm. p. 804—805) see atītânāgata-paccuppanna [wax. comp. 3.4.4] p. 93,14 (justified by 'vācāsiliṭṭhatā' Sadd 53,25—54,33); arahaṝ [Bhagavaṝ +, 3.4] p. 418,38, and further adutiya [eka +, 2.4], anāḷhiya [dalidda assaka +, 3.3.4], anuvicāra [cāra … upavicāra,], anupubbaninna [+ 6.6.7], akasiralābhin [nikāma-l° + …, 5.5.6], asamāhita [uddhata-… pākatindriya, 3.3:3.3.5:4.5:5.5.5] Ud 37,30, cf. jarā jīraṇatā khaṇdiccam pāliccam valittacatā āyuno saṁhāni indriyānam paripāko [2.4:3.3.5:3,3.4,4] MN I 49,21.
word as part of a vākya (prop.): pada (Pāṇ I 4,14) × id. 1,19, 610,2, 907,13-16, 911,1-6.
w. r. wrong reading.
+ (after a Pāli word) the form in question is the first member of a formula or series of synonyms.
= 1) between identical passages quoted.
2) between a text-word and its gloss: 'agha' (= dukkha), or vice versa: dukkha (= 'agha').
between parallel, not quite identical, passages.
> : au > o = au results in o.
< : o < au = o comes from au.
root (dhātu).
ɔ: id est.
(crux philologorum) before a corrupt text-element.
*— : *snāru = the form snāru does not actually exist.
—* verse: Ja V 15,20*.
—** canonical prose (in J): Ja V 416,18**, sikkhāpada (in Vin): Vin III 175,20**.
—' verbal interpretation (in ct.s): Ja V 15,3'.
'—' a lemma (pratīka): 'aghaṁ' ( = dukkhaṁ).
〈 〉 for inst. 〈 ca 〉 = ca is required by the context or metre.
[ ] 1) for inst. [ca] = ca is spurious.
2) prosodial remark: viriyena [ - - ˘ ], remark on wax. comp.: piyo manāpo [2.3].